What about Gas?

Gas on Facet

Since Facet transactions are sent as regular Ethereum transactions, you pay gas with your L1 gas (Ether).

Users are not required to "bridge in" value for gas, as is typical with other L2s.

Meanwhile, Facet still uses a native gas token, Facet Compute Token (FCT), to prevent network spam attacks on Facet network. FCT is issued (minted) and consumed (gas fees) by the protocol in the background, based on the Ether burned by the user to execute Facet transactions on L1.

Here’s the end-to-end process:


User Sends L1 Transaction

User spends L1 gas (Ether) to send an L1 Ethereum envelope transaction containing a Facet payload in the calldata.


Facet Mints FCT

FCT is minted by the protocol at a defined rate, based on the payload’s calldata size.


Facet Burns FCT

Facet consumes a portion of the minted FCT as a gas fee to process the transaction.


Facet Credits Residual FCT

Post execution, Facet credits any residual FCT to the user’s wallet.

Since spending gas (Ether) on an Ethereum transaction mints the FCT necessary to process the transaction on Facet, users don't have to think about FCT if they don’t want to.

Passive vs. Active Mining

FCT can be mined both passively and actively:

  • Passive Mining: In this approach, users earn FCT “incidentally” as a natural byproduct of sending regular L1 transactions on Ethereum. Users aren’t deliberately trying to mine FCT; instead, they’re simply using Facet Applications on Ethereum (e.g., swaps, NFT purchases, etc.). Facet rewards these users by crediting residual FCT amounts based on the user's transaction activity, so it’s a form of passive accumulation.

  • Active Mining: This approach is for users who are intentionally mining FCT by sending L1 transactions optimized to mint FCT. Facet mints FCT based on the size (bytes) of the payload in the L1 transaction sent to the Facet Inbox Address; the larger the payload (i.e., calldata size), the more FCT is minted.

Do you have the skills to build a FCT active mining app? Check out the FCT Max Minter challenge in Sepolia Launch Bounties.

Last updated